Monthly Archives: January 2012

Book Review: The Monster at the end of this Book

An oldie but a goodie.  When I originally found Sesame Street’s, The Monster at the end of this Book, I was taken back to memories of enjoying this fun and playful read with my own mom.  Starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover, this

Posted in 3-6 year old books, book reviews, books, electronic books

Making use of small spaces: Closet Reading Nook

When space is an issue you must get creative.  How cute is this adorable closet turned reading nook?  My kids love small spaces – especially ones that feel like a hideaway.  What a unique use of space – and a

Posted in book storage, decor, diy projects, rooms

For Moms: Book Necklace

DIY Project Ok moms this is for you.  I confess, I am obsessed with the store Anthropologie.  OBSESSED.  If I had all the money in the world – let me tell you it would likely be spent in this store! 

Posted in for moms

Book Review: Giraffes Can’t Dance

Lately, my 3 year old son has been choosing Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae as his go-to bedtime read.  He is a superhero fanatic (which is adorable), however, I have to admit I love when he chooses a book like this as

Posted in 3-6 year old books, book reviews, books

Creative Ways to Display & Store Children’s Books

Recently, I came across the cutest ideas on Pinterest for creative ways to store children’s books, while at the same time keeping them on display.  My first inspiration for this post came from Domestic Simplicity, where inexpensive Ikea Spice Racks were used for book storage. 

Posted in book storage, diy projects, rooms

Top 10 "Must Have" Classic Children’s Books

A great children’s book is unique because unlike a “fad” toy, a wonderfully written story doesn’t have an expiration date.  Whether you are giving a gift or building your child’s book collection, you can not go wrong with any of

Posted in books, top 10 lists

Pottery Barn Kids offers Storytime Tuesdays!

It’s always nice to get your kiddos out of the house for a fun activity – especially when it involves reading!  Pottery Barn Kids now offers Book Club Story Time on Tuesdays at 11am in retail stores! Kids will get

Posted in activities